DIY Chevron Burlap Wreath
Here's another for y'all. I started on this one Monday night and finally finished it up last night, and I have to say I love it so much! I have had the same wreath on our door for nearly a year (I'll have to put up a tutorial for it later this week perhaps) so we needed a change. What's better for a change than the lovely chevron pattern?
I actually saw one at the Market Sunday, but on further inspection it was $40! I knew I would be able to make a similar deal for much less, so I began a Pinterest search and found an idea over on PinkWhen for a burlap chevron wreath using a wire frame!
I found an 18" wire wreath frame at Michael's for around $3.50, burlap ribbon at Hobby Lobby for $5 and the chevron burlap at Hobby Lobby for $10 (but never the less I had a coupon for 40% off one regular price item; therefore, I made it out of Hobby Lobby with only $12 in burlap!
All that's needed to make this wreath is pictured (except for scissors) pretty simple if I say so myself. Just follow the instructions over at PinkWhen and you will probably be better off than I was (I'm not very good at following directions sometimes). I wound up having to undo the burlap 4 times before I realized what I was doing wrong.
Here you can see I have simply taken the chevron burlap and weaved it through the wire frame leaving the middle two wires open for the regular burlap center which I weaved around the same way as the outside (the only thing I did differently for the center was I cut the strips in half so the "puffs" wouldn't be quite as large.
Overall, I'm really pleased with how it turned out! Let me know if you try something similar!