Alice In WonderPAN Intro | Project Pan Update #2| September 2022

by - September 14, 2022


Welcome to the second update for the Alice In WonderPAN (#AliceInWonderPan) project!  I am  updating this project every two months, but I will be sharing any significant progress on my Instagram. 

The Alice In WonderPAN (#AliceInWonderPan) project is a Pantastic Ladies project that was created by a lady in the group (Wonder_In_Alyland).  This project is supposed to run from March 5, 2022, to March 4, 2023. 

Below are the products I have chosen with the prompt from the group and my goals for each product, along with any progress I have made since the last update in July!

Starting Weight (May 19, 2022) - 7.30g
Update 1 Weight (July 14, 2022) - 6.98g
Update 2 Weight (September 14, 2022) - 6.08g

This Cherry Chapstick clearly has quite a bit of visible use, so I'm guessing that most of the weight is going to be in the packaging.   I was expecting to have this finished by this update since it was the only lip product I took on vacation with me, but as you can see there is just a bit left.   I will definitely have this finished by the next update!  

Starting Weight (May 19, 2022) - 16.57g
Update 1 Weight (July 14, 2022) - 16.35g
Update 2 Weight (September 14, 2022) - 16.30g

There hasn't been much progress on this product because I don't use it multiple times a day.   This lip oil tends to be a little uncomfortable to wear because it dries matte and I haven't seen much of a benefit in it.   This one will probably take the entire project to finish, but we will see! 

Goal Met!  I only had one use left at the last update in July, and I met my goal a day or so later.   I have used the primer a few more times since I met the goal, but I am not trying to actively finish it.  

No progress; however, this only has a goal of five uses so it shouldn't be hard to meet this goal before the end of the project. 

No progress; however, this only has a goal of five uses so it shouldn't be hard to meet this goal before the end of the project. 

Starting Weight (May 19, 2022) - 78.30g
Update 1 Weight (July 14, 2022) - 74.34g
Update 2 Weight (September 14, 2022) - 74.33g

There hasn't been much progress on this product, but I did use it a few weeks ago when I went to a concert. There isn't much product left in this bottle so if I use it consistently it should be done quickly! 

Starting Weight (May 19, 2022) - 26.76g
Update 1 Weight (July 14, 2022) - 26.75g

No progress since the last update.  There isn't much left in the bottle, but it is hard to get a photo.

I haven't worked on this prodcut much, but I did move it to my desk to remind me to use it at least once a day.

Goal: 30 Uses 
Current: 7 Uses

I haven't used this gloss since the last update. 

Starting Weight (May 19, 2022) - 47.25g
Update 1 Weight (July 14, 2022) - 39.87g
Update 2 - Finished July 17th

This was an easy product to meet a goal on.  I finished this powder nearly two months ago and I have hit pan on a second powder since.  

The next product is the Jaclyn Hill palette from Morphe.   I have used this one quite a few times since the last update.   As you can see in the above photo I have dips in several pans now. 

No progress. 

No progress.

Goal: 30 Uses 
Current: 11 Uses

This project started with 20 products, and I have successfully finished or met my goal of 7 of the items so far.  I have a few more that are close to being met, so overall this project is going quite well.

Keep an eye on my Instagram to see more updates between updates here!

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